Tis my pain and my fuel, I swear....
I am totally addicted to gadgets of all kinds. Why do I have this long standing affliction? Is it learned behavior, a sickness befallen on me or is it weaved in my DNA?
Who knows???
You know, I have many addictions, but so did my dad. Some of his were called diseases. So, is my gadget mania a disease too? Yes, I crave the treats as an addict craves his/her vice or 'candy'. So, what's wrong with me? Can it be helped???
Here are my addictions and reasons for them:
1. Gadgets: I love how I can sit for hours and figure out how they work (maybe break the item, not bc I wanted to); like a puzzle.
2. Cars: I LOVE cars. So did my dad. I like to sit in the ride and figure out all the things that makes it so cool. What GADGETS are inside. I love how most look, sleak, stealth-like. Currently, Range Rover Sport, Infiniti FX, Ferrari, Porsche and Acura NSX are on my brain.
3. Phones: I am addicted to new phones. I love iphones but refuse to pay for something that has to be sent off to be fixed. I am not paying $600 for one either. Forget it. I loved the BlackBerry Storm, but typing was a pain in the behind. I like Sidekicks, but T-Mobile is basically non-existent in SC. http://www.blackberry.com/
4. Ipods: Currently, I have a Nano 3rd generation, but have eyeballed the iTouch for my girlfriend. Limbo. www.apple.com
5. Handheld Gaming Devices: I just bought my two favorite girls PSP 3000's and they love them. Pauwie had games for hers and handed her old unit to her brother, Paul. Hayen loves hers and loves me even more for the Shaun White games i added to the gift package. I am addicted to her unit. http://www.psp.com/
6. Datebooks, School Supplies: OMG, this is a true sickness. I love school supplies!!! Waaaah. There is a web site that I am constantly driven to: http://www.seejanework.com/
I love it. I love http://www.thecontainerstore.com/.
7. Online Shopping: I can find the BEST deals online. Currently, http://www.jcrew.com/, http://www.nordstrom.com/, http://www.neimanmarcus.com/, http://www.prada.com/, http://www.burberry.com/, http://www.gucci.com/, http://www.bloomingdales.com/, http://www.handhelditems.com/.
8. GPS Units: love them. I have a popup unit in my car, but a friend just got a Garmin Nuvi 250 and it's pretty cool. www.garmin.com
9. Yoville: I am addicted this http://www.facebook.com/ game. I met my girlfriend here and love this game. You can buy items and homes and so forth. It's like a neater SIMS. You must give it a whirl.
10. Women: Yep, i am addicted to women. So mysterious and so beautiful. Sensitive, yet strong. Amazing creatures. I am currently addicted to my gorgeous girlfriend, Pauwie. I can't talk to her enough. Can't get close enough. Can't figure out how to show her how much I love and adore her enough.
11. YES, I am a guy so you know the last item without me even saying it.
So, what are your drugs of choice? What fuels your fire? Let me know. I might need to add it to my growing list. Ha!
I am totally addicted to gadgets of all kinds. Why do I have this long standing affliction? Is it learned behavior, a sickness befallen on me or is it weaved in my DNA?
Who knows???
You know, I have many addictions, but so did my dad. Some of his were called diseases. So, is my gadget mania a disease too? Yes, I crave the treats as an addict craves his/her vice or 'candy'. So, what's wrong with me? Can it be helped???
Here are my addictions and reasons for them:
1. Gadgets: I love how I can sit for hours and figure out how they work (maybe break the item, not bc I wanted to); like a puzzle.
2. Cars: I LOVE cars. So did my dad. I like to sit in the ride and figure out all the things that makes it so cool. What GADGETS are inside. I love how most look, sleak, stealth-like. Currently, Range Rover Sport, Infiniti FX, Ferrari, Porsche and Acura NSX are on my brain.
3. Phones: I am addicted to new phones. I love iphones but refuse to pay for something that has to be sent off to be fixed. I am not paying $600 for one either. Forget it. I loved the BlackBerry Storm, but typing was a pain in the behind. I like Sidekicks, but T-Mobile is basically non-existent in SC. http://www.blackberry.com/
4. Ipods: Currently, I have a Nano 3rd generation, but have eyeballed the iTouch for my girlfriend. Limbo. www.apple.com
5. Handheld Gaming Devices: I just bought my two favorite girls PSP 3000's and they love them. Pauwie had games for hers and handed her old unit to her brother, Paul. Hayen loves hers and loves me even more for the Shaun White games i added to the gift package. I am addicted to her unit. http://www.psp.com/
6. Datebooks, School Supplies: OMG, this is a true sickness. I love school supplies!!! Waaaah. There is a web site that I am constantly driven to: http://www.seejanework.com/
I love it. I love http://www.thecontainerstore.com/.
7. Online Shopping: I can find the BEST deals online. Currently, http://www.jcrew.com/, http://www.nordstrom.com/, http://www.neimanmarcus.com/, http://www.prada.com/, http://www.burberry.com/, http://www.gucci.com/, http://www.bloomingdales.com/, http://www.handhelditems.com/.
8. GPS Units: love them. I have a popup unit in my car, but a friend just got a Garmin Nuvi 250 and it's pretty cool. www.garmin.com
9. Yoville: I am addicted this http://www.facebook.com/ game. I met my girlfriend here and love this game. You can buy items and homes and so forth. It's like a neater SIMS. You must give it a whirl.
10. Women: Yep, i am addicted to women. So mysterious and so beautiful. Sensitive, yet strong. Amazing creatures. I am currently addicted to my gorgeous girlfriend, Pauwie. I can't talk to her enough. Can't get close enough. Can't figure out how to show her how much I love and adore her enough.
11. YES, I am a guy so you know the last item without me even saying it.
So, what are your drugs of choice? What fuels your fire? Let me know. I might need to add it to my growing list. Ha!
mine are... gaming devices especially my new psp, school supplies (notebooks, pens, notepads, journals,etc.), phones, picture books, chocolates (waaaaah), yoville, puzzles, shoes (lmao),and the one that is my FAVORITE of all of my addictions.... YOU! ^____^