Today, what a day. I haven't felt quite myself. I've been battling the crap going around and it finally took hold of me. I decided to go to the doctor today and what does he do??? HE MADE ME FEEL WORSE!!!
I am not kidding. My chest was hurting. I guess he was curious whether my current state is related to my car accident or not, but it wasn't. He made the very poor choice to rotate my arm and shoulder thereby giving me TWO friggin pinched nerves under my right shoulder blade.
It hurts so bad. I can't even explain the pain to give it justice. It feels like someone has taken a very large knife and stabbed me under my shoulder blade and is constantly trying to pry it up and out of my body. Just imagine the art of opening an oyster... that type of action. Then imagine after you've been stabbed, someone drizzling lemon juice in the fresh wound. YES, smarts!!!
If anyone has any remedies I can give a whirl, yell at me. So far, I have alternated hot and cold compresses, took a hot shower, took anti-inflammatory, stretched, tried to lay flat, etc. NOTHING is helping. OUCH!! I feel like such a baby. The next step for me is my chiro.
Snap! Crack! Pop!
waaaaaaaaaaah!! i usually just ignore the pain as much as i can by trying to sleep and taking advil. im sure the pain i felt is nothing compared to what ur feeling right now. >_____<
ReplyDeletei'm a brat
ReplyDeletewaaaaaah feel better soon! >_____<